I lost my 'cool' ; at the 'Fab Mall'. The matter is very simple.
'' Have you got Samosonite brief case.?" was my query to the girl at the counter.
"No, sir, Iam afraid we don't have." was her reply.
" You don't have them?'' Kochapps.
'' Yes, sir , we have but .....". 'No' to me and 'yes' to Kochappan. I lost my cool. I walked away from the counter towards the exit.
After few minutes Kochapps joind me at the exit.
'' You should not have lost your cool''. he said.
'' When she said that they 'have'nt got it' what she meant was that they have'nt got it in stock when you asked her.But when you ask her " Do you have them '' what she meant
was that they sell that brand but was sold out then.
Americans don't differentiate between the two but the British do.Be careful of the uasge of
' Have you got' and 'Do you have" in UK.
Kochappan once asked a British woman " Do you have children"
'' Yes.twice or thrice in an year'' ( meaning they are with her when they are on vacation) was her reply.
I was 'cool' when I went in but the 'cool response ' I got put me off. The meaning of 'cool'
is diametrically opposite in these usages.
It was 10pm and I 'left' kochappan's house.The only person 'left' in his house then was
Funny language this English !!
En route I saw a huge hoarding of a 5 star hotel in the main road.It read.
IND ROYAL - A place of stay known for its peace and solitude. Tourists from all over the country flock here to enjoy this solitude. Join them .Stay with us.
My sleep was delayed by the 'have you gots' , ' do you have its' and advice to the people to ' flock together to enjoy solitude.'
Finally I slept in solitude ; alone.!!!

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