At this juncture, I would like to mention about a couple of 'husband and wife couples' who have inspired and influenced Kochappan.
The couple at Bangalore; well ! what can I say! BIG real big !! ; be it their house , they themselves, money, talent. The wife when inspired writes 'lyrics' , calls the husband (pet) names. The husband in turn puts the lyrics to tunes, puts those names he dislikes away.Both do a great job in their 'Areas of Competence' . This has resulted in the production of great melodies and two children :both doing well in their areas of operation.
Nice people.
He used to dispense medicines in Kerala. The one thing he couldn"t dipense with was his
love for this girl whom his parents had found for him.Ultimately this girl became his bride;' Every body then said 'A bride with a fine prospect of happiness behind her' . I disagree. Till seen last, they were in good spirits and shape. Presently he is dispensing words in ads at Dubai.His end product, the ads he writes, and the couple's end product , the son , are generally liked by people.
Lovable folks.
Lovable folks.
After being shown the door, for carrying forward the total of ' Debit side' to the total of 'Credit side' in the next page in an accounts book of company which employed him, he worked and left several companies.Now he is at Kochi. Kochappan says. 'Despite his association with a multinational, they are doing well'. His wife , a teacher, uses this sentence as an example for the use of the word 'Despite' in a sentence. According to her no other sentence can give the meaning of ' Despite' as good as the ' Kochappan one'.
Their diligence in non professional activities has blessed them with two children. 'Despite being his children they are doing well'. Kochappan may opine.
There are few more who knows him but have been away from him owing to geographical reasons; ' The blessed ones'.
Kochappan may not admit these couples have inspired him.
But then he can't be blamed ; he has always been ' economical with truth' !!!

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